Swine Insights and its employees and representatives will at all times demonstrate the highest levels of integrity, truthfulness, and honesty in order to uphold both personal and company reputations and to inspire confidence and trust in their respective actions. We are committed to fair business practices in every area where we do business.
Swine Insights takes client confidentiality very seriously. We will honor all legal and reasonable requests for confidentiality. Swine Insights clients can rest easy knowing that the status of their relationship with Swine Insights, their data, intellectual property and any other information about their company will not be shared without their express permission.
Swine Insights seeks to avoid conflicts of interest to the extent that it is possible. When there is a conflict of interest, real or apparent, we will disclose the conflict to all relevant parties. Swine Insights commits to recommending products and services based on the best interests of our clients regardless of past or existing relationships with suppliers. Swine Insights only recommends products and services we believe in and that are appropriate for the client or clients for whom we recommend them. We commit to disclosing any arrangement involving commission or compensation of any type related to a product recommendation or endorsement to all relevant parties and publicly when appropriate.
Swine Insights will seek to comply with all international, national, and local legislation and regulations affecting its operations. Swine Insights will make every effort to fully meet its tax obligations to all applicable taxing authorities. Swine Insights will not make any financial contributions or offer support to any political party.
Swine Insights does not allow the direct or indirect offer, payment, solicitation, or acceptance of bribes in any form. Any employee, contractor or representative of Swine Insights found to be involved in any kind of corrupt practice will be immediately dismissed and if a criminal act has been committed, Swine Insights will cooperate with investigators, prosecutors and other relevant authorities.
Any questions or concerns about this policy or about SwineTex's commitment to ethical business practices should be directed to Todd Thurman, Founder and Owner of Swine Insights International. He can be reached by email at todd@swineinsights.com
This policy was originally drafted August 30, 2017 and was most recently updated June 6, 2023. Previous revisions were implemented on July 29, 2020 and October 10, 2021.
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